Performance Measures As the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) guidelines indicate, performance measures are an important tool that will allow us to measure our progress in implementing our CEDS and its impact on the regional economy over time. The following measures were developed in conjunction with the CEDS planning process, keeping in mind that the data we use must be readily available and replicable over time. (Scroll down for 2020-2025 CEDS Goals Indicators.) FY21: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 Performance Measures #s Source 1. Number of Jobs Created/Retained After Implementation of the CEDS a. Total Employment in Initial Year Employed 16 years and over ACS* b. Total Employment in Subsequent Years Employed 16 years and over ACS c. Number of Jobs Retained as a Result of Select State and Local Investments RDC** 2. Number and Types of Public Sector Investments Undertaken in the Region a. EDA Sponsored Investments RDC b. Significant State and Local Investments RDC 3. Private Sector Investment in the Region After Implementation of the CEDS RDC 4. 2016-2021 CEDS Action Plan Accomplishments a. Number of Completed Actions/Tasks ECVEDD *American Community Survey: The margin of error for town-level* data provided by the American Community Survey (ACS) is quite high; therefore, the CEDS committees used Orange and Windsor County data as the proxy for the entire District. Smaller Vermont towns cannot be measures with the standard tools such as the Census 5-year ACS data. The ACS only samples 6.5% of the statewide Vermont populations over five years and only 1.5% per year for the smallest geographies. *Regional Development Corporation Goals Indicators The indicators included here are a means of measuring the progress toward achieving our goals as outlined in the East Central Vermont Economic Development District 2016-2021 CEDS. FY21: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 2016-2021 CEDS Goal Indicators #s Source 1. A Resilient Region a. Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund (ERAF) progress: town/VT town/VT b. #orgs/people engaged local 2. An Innovative Business Environment a. Trade name registrations: town/VT town/VT b. Number of businesses engaged RDC c. Commercial square footage in region RDC 3. A Robust and Ready Workforce a. Companies receiving training assistance RDC b. Enrollment in adult education programs local 4. Infrastructure and Homes for Growth a. Regional infrastructure investments RDC a. Grand list of EDD region town/VT b. Participants in affordable housing projects local c. House purchase price town/VT 5. Quality of Life and Place a. # of orgs/people engaged local b. Recreational asset/infrastructure investments local 6. Healthy Communities a. Per Capita Income town/ACS b. % below poverty level town/ACS c. Unemployment rate town/ACS d. # of orgs/people engaged local e. Health chapters adopted into plans town/local f. Healthy policies adopted town/local g. Health & wellness committees formed town/local h. Towns with community nurses town/local