October 28, 2016 | Meghan Asbury Business Climate Survey Task: Conduct employer interviews to determine regional needs to attract, support, and expand business in Southern Windsor County – June 2016. Funded by U.S. Economic Development Administration and Springfield Regional Development Corporation (SRDC) ECV District Partner, SRDC, recently completed a Business Climate Survey. Forty-six area employers, representing 15 different sectors, participated in the recent business climate survey. This included in-depth interviews with several employers from the region. The survey included questions related to current business operations, opportunities and challenges as well as potential resources and services that SRDC could offer to assist with continued viability and growth. Many respondents acknowledged that national and global market forces could impact their ability to succeed, however, there were several opinions and suggestions to help improve the economic climate of Southern Windsor County. Project Deliverable: Opportunities and Barriers Report For more information contact: Robert Flint, Executive Director Springfield Regional Development Corporation [email protected] – 802-885-3061