January 7, 2016 | Meghan Asbury New World Festival, Chandler Music Hall in Randolph ©First Light Studios | Potter in Windsor ©Peanutroaster | Farmers Market Sign in Bethel ©First Light Studios | Dancer ©razzdazzstock | Vermont Beer ©Rebecca Wilson Executive Summary:Artists, Artisans, and Entrepreneurs: Creative Economy of the East Central Vermont Region Full Report: Artists, Artisans, and Entrepreneurs: Creative Economy of the East Central Vermont Region Report: Appendices Creative Economy Diagram Consultant’s Scope of Work and Expected Deliverables Employment Data Snapshot Steering Committee Meeting Notes: March 30, 2016 March 30, 2016 Meeting Agenda Status Update: Creative Economy – Power Point Presentation February 3, 2016 Meeting Agenda The Power of the Creative Economy – Power Point Presentation Meeting Notes: February 3, 2016 What is the Vermont Creative Network? Economic Impacts of Visual Arts Activities in Vermont Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community, September 2015 The Creative Economy is defined as the businesses, non-profit organizations, and self-employed individuals involved in the origination, production, and distribution of goods and services in which artistic and cultural content gives the product or service value in the marketplace. The creative economy includes the following segments: Design, Film and Media, Visual Arts and Handcrafted Products, Performing Arts, Heritage, Preservation, Artisan Food and Drink, and Literary Arts. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission is conducting a Creative Economy Inventory and Action Plan, with some funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, on behalf of the ECVEDD. We want your participation. Watch the events calendar for upcoming meetings and events, and if you’d like to be involved, or just discuss the project, please contact Loralee Morrow at 802-457-3188 or [email protected].